Saturday, June 16, 2012

Plow Boy

The events of this week have been pretty low key, not too many exciting events to write least for me and the boys. We have just enjoyed our routine of morning walks, house work, a little helping Kyle in the corrals and play time. Oh, and a couple midwife appointments - but, that's another story.
For Kyle on the other hand... Well, he had plenty to do.
The first part of the week was occupied by two days of very welcomed rain. And once the down pour stopped it was time to hit the fields.
This ranch, just like any other has one main concern - having enough grass for the cattle that graze it. However, the distinguishing feature down here is that it means making grass, as opposed to just growing it.
It appears that there will be a fair amount of the summer season spent plowing and seeding or re-seeding pastures. Because of the mild climate, the goal is to NOT have to feed hay. In fact if you do need to feed hay it is likely to be in the summer months because of drought not because of winter weather conditions.
Also, apparently because of the soil conditions (the soil here is a very hard clay.) and because this area is naturally very dense forest.  There are very few natural pasture lands.

So, now that the rain has freed up the clay, Kyle and Wayne have spent most of their working (& waking) hours plowing fields for pasture. Admittedly plowing is not Kyle's favorite job, but the cows need grass, and more urgently than ever since the boss has increased the herd by 40 cows.

(Kyle and Co-worker Wayne discuss where to go from here.)

These fields (I don't really know how many acres, but its a lot!) will likely be planted with Bermuda grass which is a perennial grass that tolerates the heat better. Other pastures have been planted with a type of Rye for the chillier winter months.    

Thankfully this last rain & barring a break down, the last portion of plowing should be able to be completed today sometime. Overall this project has been going on for the past month or so, in spurts for as long as the ground stayed wet enough to do it. When it is very dry the clay is too hard for the plow to turn the soil over. Instead it would just cut useless grooves. 

And even though this section of plowing is almost finished, the work is not. Post plowing, then the fields will need to be rolled and finally planted, then lots of prayer for rain, and after the rain...On to the next section, I guess.   


  1. Any time running a tractor isn't really work; don't let Kyle fool you. He's actually having fun out there even though he says he's working hard. I know how it goes...

    1. I would love to think that was true. But, Kyle is not a tractor guy (If he could do the plowing with a team of horses, that might be another story.) Whats worse, it wreaks havoc on his back. I see a chiropractor in his near future :o)
